Информация / Information

В данном разделе публикуются материалы, рассказывающие о деятельности нашей компании в целом, так и отдельных ее сотрудников и лиц, имеющих к ней отношение, – книги, статьи, фотографии и др., авторство которых принадлежит указанным лицам.

The materials telling about activity of our company as a whole are published in this section, and her certain employees and the persons referring to it – books, articles, photos, etc. which authorship belongs to the specified persons.

Test page


There are archives diplomatic, historical, literary... People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs archives and KGB are open even. But never before was archive of supervision of UFO! Each expert on the abnormal phenomena carefully hides the database from colleagues, considers the saved-up facts as invaluable treasure.